Footwear is an indispensable fashion statement. Constantly high demand for fashionable footwear has grabbed a great deal of attention. As a result, manufacturing creative & long-lasting innovations are constantly in demand. To be a part of the shoe technology industry is to enter a flourishing segment full of fashion, trends, designs, technology, advancements, curing of natural leather, various processes involved in manufacturing/marketing & much more.
India is the 2nd largest producer of footwear in the world. This can be credited to the abundant availability of raw materials, skilled manpower, latest technology, and support of allied industries.
Considering the potential of this highly promising industry, the show will display the entire range of products related to footwear advancements, including its various aspects, synthetic materials, shoe components, trims, accessories, machinery, dyes and chemicals. It will bring together manufacturers of shoe technology, accessories, components, different materials, models for footwear, etc. The show will be a comprehensive marketplace for those involved in the industry.